About Me

My name is Adrienne. I’m a California native with a German husband and three unstoppably energetic kids. I studied Anthropology at UC Berkeley and was on the women’s rowing team at Cal before working with orphans and vulnerable children for a year in Lesotho, southern Africa. Upon my return to California, I completed an MA in Counseling: Marriage & Family Therapy at St. Mary’s College of CA. I am fascinated by the field of mental health - how much we know, how complex individuals are, and how much we have yet to figure out.

My mission is to encourage the field of mental health by supporting busy mental health professionals. Your work is challenging, stressful, and rewarding. Let me take some of the stress out of it by alleviating your writing workload. Hours are spent compiling client histories and previous assessment data before you even get to focus on the current state of your client. I handle clients’ sensitive materials with the utmost care and compassion as I incorporate all relevant information into comprehensive client reports, articles, or posts tailored to your needs and those of your clients.

Pen Strokes combines my passions for writing and rowing into a brand synonymous with producing top quality written material for people who have a need to outsource traditionally time intensive work, from transcribing medical notes to creating compelling content for topic specific web properties.